7 thoughts on “RC statement on Wizards’ removal of inappropriate cards”

  1. If this was true, you would have done this years ago. Stop being fake and banning cards for no reason. It is reactionary foolishness like this that made me give up MTG after 24 years.

    1. Banning cards for this reason is the same as burning books because history has things like the Civil War and the Holocaust. Yes, history can be terrible, but its better to learn from it than try to cover it up and hide from it.

    2. I use Invoke in both Alela and Thassa. It’s a sharky, mean enchantment, especially in mono-blue, and it has four blue devotion. Thanks to the reserve list, it has no functional reprint, either.

      I appreciate the sentiment, and I’m certainly not out to hurt anyone’s feelings; so I’ll gladly keep using my custom art.

      But I’m going to keep playing the card.

      After all, without substantial competitive events, any “official” rule is at best a polite suggestion.

  2. If Crusade is Banned then why isnt Bad Moon? Is it because its ok to be racist to White people? Or are you all just a bunch of Hypocrites?!

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