Welcome to the Commander RC Monday Morning Check-In for the week of 16 August, 2021.
The first of the Innistrad: Midnight Hunt previews have dropped and we’re excited already. Wrenn and Seven has created quite some buzz; we suspect it won’t be the only one.
This Thursday the RC will premiere our first Adventures in the Forgotten Realms games, in which we each have a different preconstructed deck which we’ve been allowed a ten-card upgrade. Gavin will be piloting Draconic Rage, Toby Planar Portal, Scott Aura of Courage, and Sheldon Dungeons of Death. Tune in for all the action starting at 8ET on twitch.tv/commanderRC.
You can keep abreast of all the things we’re doing on the RC Discord server. As always, we’re frequently available for chats about all aspects of Commander, whether that’s in the #format-philosophy channel, #deck-brewing, #rulings-and-questions, or any of another dozen or so dedicated areas. We look forward to seeing you there.